~~~Last Friday, I submitted the nomination of Mattie Hill to the 2010 Deadwood Wall of Fame for Inductee consideration. Kevin Kuchenberger, the Historic Preservation Officer for Deadwood, has a copy of our Mattie Nomination. The final copy has been signed by Clifford & Georgia Melrose (Mattie's Grandson), Dr. Lilah M. Pengra (Author & Historian) and myself. Kevin is submitting the nomination to the review committee today October 13, 2009. Wall of Fame Inductees will be picked next June for an Inductee Ceremony in October 2010.The nomination requirements are: "The Wall of Fame Awards represents a step forward in recognizing Deadwood's diverse historical figures. Each year the Historic Preservation Office along with the City of Deadwood will honor a number of citizens from the colored past that help shape the landscape of Deadwood. These citizens will include businessmen, historic characters and people that just made life in the town more colorful"..

Hartshorn College early campus on the Bowe Plantation in Virginia. Mattie Hill attended this college.
When I first wrote the article about Coach Stewart Ferguson on June 10, 2007, I made reference to the Ferguson history booklet. The booklet was actually the nomination information for Coach Ferguson into the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame. The nomination also made references to memoirs that Coach Ferguson had written. For over two years, I have been trying to find these memoirs and talking with Edna Ferguson Robinson. She said I could get a copy but she would have to find them in her Deadwood house. Edna recently died so I took my quest to family members. I have located the original with a nephew and he is willing to share information. It is 400 type written pages.
I hope to be able to write something of Coach Ferguson's personal view of our years at Deadwood High School.
Also see article about son Freddy Ferguson.
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