Friday, October 16, 2009

Georgia and Pat Lubisher (Hungerford) Report Quality Award for Beshara Family Business

Georgia and Pat Lubisher (Hungerford), both DHS classmates, report that the Beshara family has won a state wide quality award for the Colonial House Restaurant, Bakery, and Bar (non-smoking). Pat and Georgia's dhsclassmates' guest report article and pictures follows..

" Bill's Grandson, Max was most charming, he told us more about the award and the royal treatment they received. Georgia and I caught it on TV a couple of nights before we went down to Rapid--Besharas missed it but hope they have a copy of it by now. It talked about the Beshara family and also the fact that everyone who works for them is considered "family", it was nicely done."

Award history and description . . . the South Dakota award of Excellence in Family Business recognizes the successes of exemplary family businesses from their rich heritage and strong values to their community involvement. Each year for the past 16 years, the Prairie Family Business Association presents the regional award to families whose businesses have successfully transitioned from one generation to the next.

DHS classmates Bill and Sandy Beshara and Family, transitional owners and operators of the Colonial House Restaurant and Bar in Rapid City, have won the 2009 statewide award. The award is named for the late owner of the Hotel Alex Johnson in Rapid City.

The Beshara family has operated the Colonial House on Mount Rushmore Road since 1981. They have created a new menu cover, see => Colonial House Menu ~~~~ Be sure to listen to the Bob and Kevin's sound clips!!


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