Thursday, December 22, 2011

1883 Deadwood Christmas Lights - Deadwood Newspaper Notation

Edison patented a system for electricity distribution in 1880, which was essential to capitalize on the invention of the electric lamp. On December 17, 1880, Edison founded the Edison Illuminating Company. Deadwood lead the nation in use of electricity and telephone which is amazing for a rough and tumble mining camp in the Western Wilderness of the United States. Deadwood also had the Telegraph in 1876.

1911 John Treber Cane, SD 12th Legislative Session by Jerry Locker

Jerry Locker sent the following information and pictures for a dhsclassmates article.  I don’t know Jerry but the it all looks authentic and positively historically important.  Thank you Jerry for your submittal.

1911 SD 12th Legislative Session - House Chamber - P1381

John Treber complimentary match case

Jerry Locker wrote  “The cane of john treber from 1911 thought you would like to add it to your site..The picture is from 1911 at the time he got the cane awarded to him ..Great job!!! aww and a matchbook ad from john treber..thanks

Inscribed on top [HON John Treber we express out appreciation for hard work 12th session of legislature 1911 E.C Issenhuth chn Redfield S.D.]” 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who Is Present at Potato Creek Johnny's 1943 Burial at Mt. Moriah Cemetry?

Reid Riner at the Journey Museum in Rapid City shared this picture on Facebook.  It shows Potato Creek Johnny’s casket being interned next to Wild Bill grave at Mt. Moriah Cemetery in 1943.

This is an excellent picture with attendees clearly shown.

It will be interesting to identify those present.  My guess is that the second from left is Sheriff Twiford.  Fourth from left is Elmer Pontius.  Mary Kopco at Adams Museum has identified D. M. McGahey (first curator at Adams Museum) in center with bow tie, bushy eye brows, and fur coat.  To right of McGahey might be Leo Derosier.  Standing at foot of the casket is Cleo Wells (mortician and funeral director).  The women to the left of Cleo sure looks like Elsie Krug.

I remember that Mr. McGahey drove a 1930’s black coupe (Chevrolet?).  He never mastered the clutch very well.  The engine would be running at high speed with the clutch slipping.  He would then pop the clutch and the car would jerk into motion.  He parked in the Post Office parking lot and was a  terror when he jumped backwards out of his parking spot.  He was a  fond memory to me from those  grand days growing up in Deadwood.

If you can help identify these attendees please contact me or comment to the article.

Select on image to link to the Journey Museum: