Monday, December 10, 2012

1888 Deadwood School District #50 by Jerry Bryant

1888 Deadwood School District #50 Class, Jerry Bryant Collection
Back of Picture, description

Jerry Bryant
Here is an interesting historical Deadwood School picture for your web site. It is the class picture of the school in Deadwood School District 50. Now, I think it was near Whitewood but I just don't know....It shows the teacher at the school in 1888 and the students she taught. On the back it talks about how it took an hour to get the entire class to Deadwood for the Photo. 

Sorry my original is in such tattered shape (124 years old).

I would really like to know where School District 50 was located?
Is the school is still standing?
When did it close?

My oh my, where are these precious people's history? Where are their decendants?

DickD >> Jerry also shared the following image of Sid's Halfway House Menu and notes the interesting prices of the day.  Sid's was located at the foot of Hwy 85 on the West side of road and close to the Hills Materials Company Centennial Quarry.  Jerry would like to get a picture of Sid’s and any historical information you might have.

from Jerry Bryant Collection


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