Don Clowser and the Days of '76
Don Clowser was a "self-made man." During his 89 years he held many jobs but is best known as historian, owner of the Deadwood Trading Post and a collector of art and artifacts of the American West.
Don's life-long connection with Deadwood, as well as with the Days of '76 , began when he first came to Deadwood at the age of 12, in the summer of 1926. While traveling through the South Dakota Badlands in 1926 he observed American Indians traveling in covered wagons on their way to participate in the Days of '76 Celebration. Don cemented his connection with Deadwood through his 35 year membership in the Days of '76 Committee, the organization he requested house and care for his extensive historical collection. See .
The Days of 76 Museum began as functional storage in the old rodeo grounds buildings of the Days of '76 wagons, artifacts, and costumes. See
It upgraded to longer term buildings in the 1970's and is now in the process of building a new formal museum facility. See
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